The annoying thing there, being that eventually, someone's going to ask for both maps (which will be long since buried by forum pages), and I probably won't be aware of their request to re-link it to them. I also did a map for Alien Quest Eve, but that never got pinned either. It would be nice to get the map pinned to this thread, though I dunno how to do that. Overall, I'm proud of what came about, and even I still look at it every day, just to admire how much larger the game was, than I originally though. but then those areas wouldn't be "visually easy to navigate", so I just curved my pride there. It was either that, or spend another few days, painstakingly reworking my mapping format, so that I could "vertically shrink" the areas left of the elevator. Ingame, the elevator actually goes up like maybe 6 screens, but if I did that on the map, the Aerial Pilgrimage and the White Cathedral would slam down into the Remniscat Forest, so I had to take some liberties there and stretch the elevator to all hell. The only thing I'm not happy with, is the final elevator, that leads into the "Aerial Pilgrimage Road", which comes right after you beat the Boss of the Research Facility. For the most part, the map should be accurate, although to make things easier to see, I took the more complicated "half screen" places and gave them their own screen, but it mostly worked out fine in the end. Also, I think it looks damned cool to see all of the areas connected! It gives you a great scale of the place, and despite the sideways shuffle of certain areas, they actually do look like they belong "underneath" of the areas they're actually meant to be "beside". Obviously, this would be a pain in the ass to do on a 2D map, so I just had them go underneath of the areas for this "downward shift".

This generally means that while the "view" of the player is 2D, the "downward entrance" is meant to actually be a "sideways shift" into another area that lies on the same "ground level" as where you entered from. Also, the game throws things off, whenever the "doorway" to the "next area" is at the bottom of the screen. They have the true dimensions to the game and understand it's "big cinematic view", so my map will be off, compared to their mental design of the place.

However, as for showing it to the creator, I don't think it would matter much.

Although, mine would obviously show where everything is. If when v0.45 comes, it finally includes that mapping system, I'm gonna lose my shit.

So obviously, the game is supposed to have an automatic mapping system of some kind, probably ala Castlevania. Click to expand.Actually, if you look in the configure screen, there is a "Map Button".